Monday, June 15, 2009

The 'Gift'

Today I am in the process of stetting up a blog for one of my daughters. Basha is one of two of my daughters. Basha and Asha are the inspiration for B-Sharp. I want to utilize the captive attention of 'social media' on youth of today. I want to encourage them to look and observe and learn the 'social environment' that fuels their thoughts. Basha is 11 and Asha is 13 years of age. Basha attends a after school program that operates away from the school campus. She is excited to attend the program after coming home from school. Basha recently was chosen to be a assistant to the instructor in the program. I am encouraging her to chronicle her experience in this program. I want her to be able to see yesterday, today and tomorrow. Recently she was excited to tell me that she would be participating in praise and worship at Faith Community Worship Center of San Ramon. We spoke about it a few nights before she was to be a part of service. Her excitement and enthusiasm is inspiring. Basha's enthusiasm and excitement is from within. I would gladly take credit for it but that would be overriding and overlooking a special part of her very own character and its development. As a father, a christian, I know that today's distractions for a child are too numerous to name. I am grateful to interact with her and use the experiences to teach her to 'be sharp' and look at the present in 3D. For as Po, of Kung Fu Panda was told by Oogway; 'You are too concerned about what was and what will be'. There is a saying: . . . yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. Looking at today as a present appeals to me. I often find that the experience with my daughters bring me to that very focus. Today is a gift . . . As I work harder focusing on the task at hand I too have to learn that today, the present, is a 'gift'.

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